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Privacy Policy

The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR) values your data security and therefore processes, retains and distributes data in accordance with data regulations and recommended guidelines.

The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR) processes all registered personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation ISO 27001 and recommendations from the Center for Cybersecurity. By adhering to a high standard of data security, we ensure that our work ethic is centred on the preservation and protection of personal data. The EU regulations on data protection demand that our data security meets the expectations agreed upon, and that under the agreement with our suppliers, all areas have adequate data security.

The agencies privacy policy also accounts for

The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR) is responsible for your data

The agency needs to process personal information in order to carry out regulatory functions so that we are able to ensure good service. This includes personal information concerning citizens, organizations, companies, employees and our partners.

This page provides information concerning the agency’s accumulation of personal information.

STAR handles various types of personal information I correlation with different work areas. Personal information might include names, social security numbers, and information regarding health and welfare.

Due to our status as a public authority, we are required to save personal information when you contact STAR via email or other outlets. Personal information is per definition, information, which can be used to identify you as an individual; this information may include your name, e-mail address or social security number (CPR). We only process information we receive from you or from official authorities, companies or others who obtain your information. STAR is permitted to gather information from other authorities, companies or people if it is necessary in order to carry out a specific occupational function.

It is important to emphasize that we only save your information if it is crucial or if we under regulation, are required to do so. If you wish, you can find the rules with reference to how public institutions save data, this can be found in the archive Act. We retain your personal information in our it-systems in a responsible manner. Access to our it-systems is highly controlled and only employees who have a need for the information in their daily work are permitted access.

The Danish Archives Act

In some cases, STAR entrusts personal data to data processors. The agency has entered an agreement with data processors to ensure that each processor adheres to the data requirements underlined in the privacy policy and data protection agreement. External data processors are also required to adhere to the agency’s data protection regulations. Data processors are furthermore required to delete or anonymize all personal information on completion of a project or other use of personal information. By adhering to this procedure, we are able to guarantee that data is not used for other matters than the intended purpose, and therefore individuals are not identifiable after completion of the intended task or use.

Danish Archives Act in Danish (new window)

Your rights

After obtaining your personal data in our records and systems, you are considered to be registered with us. With a status of registration, you obtain certain rights that the agency and those responsible for your data must adhere and comply with.

Your rights include:

  • Transparency- you always have the right to know what data we retain concerning you personally.
  • Correction – you have the right to ask us to correct information that is wrong or misleading.
  • Modification- If we modify your information in any way we will stop utilizing your information until the completion of modification. Under certain circumstances, you are allowed to ask us to stop using your information. You have the right to request notification regarding circumstances where we have sent your information to other authorities.
  • Obliteration- You have the right to request for data to be removed or deleted, however as we are a public institution, we are normally not permitted to delete personal information due to specifications in the Danish Archives Act and regulations adhere to the public sector.
  • Opposition- If you have reason to believe that we do not require your personal data, you have the right to inform us of this.
  • Data conveyance- In most circumstances, you have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data in a digital format. You are allowed to give this copy to others who are responsible for data and personal information. However, this right ceases to exist if we are using your data in our work as a public agency.

The EU regulations on data protection and rights

Data protection regulations account for the data protection Act nr. 502 of 23 May 2018. The data protection law increments and clarifies the provisions of the Data Protection Regulation i.e. in relation to the processing of information regarding CPR numbers and restrictions on the rights of the registered subject.

Data Protection Act (pdf) (new window)

Variations of Information

Information made anonymously is processed under specific criteria so that information is unable to be retraced to the individual source. This type of information is thus, not registered under the individual citizens CPR number. This entails that STAR can only see generic information such as age or gender; however, this information cannot be traced to an individual citizen

Confidential information includes information that can be traced back to an individual citizen. Confidential information is registered via the citizen’s CPR number and can be processed with other non-confidential information sources that the agency has access to via our internal it-systems (i.e. DFDG or Jobnet).

What personal data is collected and how will it be used?

We handle your personal data as a part of our work as a public institution. Certain areas require personal data in order for us to carry out their functions. The areas involving the use of personal data are as follows:

  1. The Act on active employment efforts
  2. The Act on Unemployment Insurance
  3. The Act on sickness benefits
  4. The Act on the Right to Leave and Maternity allowance
  5. The Act on active social policy
  6. The Act on Flex Benefits
  7. The employment-oriented parts of the law on the integration of foreigners in Denmark (the Integration Act)
  8. The Act regarding jobs for seniors
  9. The Act on Compensation for Disabled People in Business, etc.
  10. The Act on notifications in connection with large-scale redundancies
  11. The Act on the Prevention and Retention Fund
  12. The Act on tax credits for seniors
  13. Act on a 2-year trial scheme on job premiums for single parents
  14. Act on a 2-year trial scheme on job premiums for recipients of cash benefits with long-term unemployment
  15. The Social Pension Act
  16. The Act on temporary job premiums for the long-term unemployed
  17. The Act on the organization and support of employment initiatives
  18. The Danish Payout Act
  19. The Act on Individual Housing Support
  20. The Act on Child Allowance and Advance Payment of Child Support
  21. The Act on high, middle, elevated ordinary and ordinary early retirement
  22. The Cash Benefit Act
  23. The Act on Free Municipality Network
  24. The Holiday Act
  25. The Finance Act
  26. The Act on the financing of certain public benefits paid by the municipalities, Udbetaling Denmark and the unemployment funds.

The warrant to handle your personal data can be viewed in Article 6 (1). 1 (e) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (Data Protection Regulation). The warrant to handle sensitive personal data is contained in Article 9 (3) of the Data Protection Regulation. 2, points b and f-g and Article 10 in conjunction with the aforementioned regulations.

You can find more information on data protection laws, your rights and use of personal information on the following website:

The Danish Data Protection Agency (new window)


You are more than welcome to contact us with any question or complaints regarding our privacy policy.

Tlf. +45 72 21 74 07
Via mail : Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering, Vermundsgade 38, 2100 Copenhagen OE.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

You can contact the Ministry of Employment’s data protection officer (DPO) directly if you need concrete advice regarding matters we at STAR are not able to assist with. You can also contact the DPO if you would like to report any misuse of personal data.

Contact details for our DPO:

Tlf: 72 20 50 00 (This number is to the Danish Ministry of Employment's switchboard that will forward you to our DPO)
Via mail: Beskæftigelsesministeriet, Holmens Kanal 20, 1060 Copenhagen K, Att.: Databeskyttelsesrådgiver

If you wish to send secure digital mails to our DPO, you are required to send a mail to the Ministry of Employment’s e-boks at . please write the following in the “subject” box: att.Databeskyttelsesrådgiver

We ensure that your information is safe, and therefore all our emails are encrypted. We recommend that you send a mail via e-boks if your mail includes private information or your CPR number.


If you have any complaints concerning the way in which we handle your private information, you are more than welcome to contact Data Control via their website.

Last updated: 11-12-2024