Skip main menu is a public database with statistics primarily aimed at being used by the job centres. It also contains indicators of recent reforms and can be used by several different actors. is a national statistics portal launched in 2007 by the Ministry of Employment. The website is hosted by the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR). contains relevant historic and current data on active labour market policies in Denmark.

The legal basis of is set out in the Act of Organisation and Support of Active Labour Market Policy.

The primary purpose of is to create transparency regarding the work of the public employment service/job centres. is targeted at local job centres with a specific focus on benchmarking and unemployment insurance funds, enabling job centres to carry out planning, management and follow-up procedures with respect to active labour market policies in their own municipality or unemployment insurance fund. thus provides the best possible statistical foundation for decision-making. 

The statistics published by are as up-to-date as possible. Statistics are typically updated on a monthly basis with a time lag of one month. The statistics accessible on cover the period 2004 to present. The statistics published by are dynamic which means that once data has been updated retrospectively, the latest statistics will be published.

The statistics published by are accessible to anyone who has an interest in the Danish labour market, e.g. national and local politicians, journalists and other stakeholders (interest groups, unions, etc.). presents the possibility of benchmarking the performance of local job centres and unemployment insurance funds.


Data is fed to from a variety of sources. All cash- and social benefits granted to citizens are registered in the municipalities’ electronic case management system. is fed data from these case management systems about benefits paid to citizens. also has access to a number of other registers, e.g. the Central Population Register (CPR), the Central Business Register, (CVR) and registers containing tax and income records. From these registers, data is brought together into a collective databank which forms the statistical basis of


Last updated: 11-12-2024